Ghost Kitchen - A New Area of Profitable Restaurant Business

Ghost Kitchen - A New Area of Profitable Restaurant Business

By Admin 4 years ago

Restaurant and food businesses are undergoing a transition period. With technology and its innovative integration food industry are discovering a lot of scopes to elevate their business to the next level. Cloud Kitchen is one of those that is going to set a trend for food industry.

About Cloud Kitchen

If you are unsure about what cloud kitchen is here is a brief up for you. This is basically a restaurant that is only designated for food delivery. There is no option for dine-out. This idea focuses on takeaways and delivery. Restaurants here lease out commercial places for preparing food and the customers are supposed to order food through online apps and get those delivered by the executives at the doorsteps.

It doesn’t have to be new ventures, rather old businesses as well are opting for this facility to capitalize in the market.

How does it work?

Before you go for this model, you must know how it works. It will give you an idea about its benefits for your business. Cloud Kitchen alludes to the virtual kitchen which is based on the delivery facility only. As there is no declared physical presence of this business, there is no way of dine out or takeaway. You can only order food via online app and get ordered food at your doorstep. The entire thing is controlled via the online platform and you can share your instructions and feedback on the same. It is a hassle-free way, especially when going out is a problem now.

Why Cloud Kitchen is an excellent option for Startups?

These delivery-only restaurants are indeed profitable for the startup businesses. Having only the delivery option you have to recruit some delivery executives and a master kitchen to prepare food. There is no capital needed to be invested in the infrastructure of a restaurant. You can totally focus on the food quality and delivery.

You can also start a food delivery business with Cloud Kitchen but for that you will need some basic things and here, to make you prepared for the whole we have a list of required items for the same:

– Kitchen Space: You need a master kitchen to prepare food. The size of the space depends on the menu you are going to add in your list. If your plan is big and you have experienced chefs, a kitchen space of 800-1200 feet would be enough for your requirement. For a ghost kitchen in a prime location of you city, you may adjust with a little smaller space where the connectivity is better.

– Equipment: After the space, the major investment will go on the equipment. When you are starting this professionally, you have to keep everything handy including utensils, crockery, oven, chimney, refrigerator etc.

– Kitchen Staff: Food will be your recognition, so you have to recruit people with expertise. People can’t see your restaurant and food will be the only one to attract your customers. Recruit best people or if you are confident about your skills, you can use that too. It will be money-saving and dedicated work as well.

– Licensing: You must be compliant with the local food and beverage industry before starting a food business. Also, get the PoS system for billing inventory to manage everything well.

Promotion and Marketing

The Cloud Kitchen concept can go perfectly only if people get to know about your service. To reach a large audience, you must have a powerful promotion. You can use:

Social media presence: You can promote food photos on the social media platforms so that your customers can get tempted and end up ordering food from you. Explore all possible options with efficient social media marketing.

Events: You can participate in the festivals happening around you and give a stall there. When people get to know the quality of food your offer, they will automatically come to you.

Leaflets: This is a bit old-school but effective one. To attract local people it is the best way to send leaflets with newspaper and circulate flyer.

Quality of the Food

As you are starting this ghost restaurant business, focus on the quality of the food. This is the main factor which people will consider before choosing your business over the thousand others. You have a huge number of competitors and to survive this competition, you have to be conscious about the quality of service and product your are offering. Don’t ever compromise with the quality.

Digital Marketing

To take your promotion to the next level, you need digital marketing including SEO and SMO. The customers will order food online, so, needless to say the online platform holds immense importance to your business. To elevate it, you need people to kn ow about it and choose it. Get organic traffic from SEO, use Google Adwords if required, but online promotion is something you can’t skip in this business.

Rewards and Loyalty Programs

To get more customers to your business, you can start some reward points and loyalty programs. This will help you to build a strong customer base. And you will also be able to increase your sale.

Customer Feedback

Consider customer’s feedback seriously and work on the areas they have given negative feedback. It will help you to grow.

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