8 Top Tips To Help Increase Your Website Sales Faster with Digital Marketing

8 Top Tips To Help Increase Your Website Sales Faster with Digital Marketing

By Admin 8 years ago

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going the famous quote of Beverly Sills is very true. But in the present rapid lifestyle we aren’t allowed to believe in Slow and steady wins the race moral. Rather it needs to be fast and steady instead! So, the situation becomes like this, we can’t take shortcut but we must act fast and surely steadily.

The same thing happens with a business website. From my own experience I can say we all want instant results after we go live online. Is there really such ways to produce more sales immediately? Though, “Immediately” sounds stroppy but you can make it noticeably faster and the result that comes out is steady, not a fluke. There are a few ways that are really helpful to optimize your website on-page content to increase your sales faster.

Implementing the copybook digital marketing techniques that an IT strategy & Consulting company in Kolkata commonly uses, it may bring the results gradually. But those 10 tips I have jotted down below, you can apply these to your website and simply wait and watch how they benefit you.

  • Simple Home Page Strikes More Audience

Probably some of you are surprised to see “Simple Home Page.” But it really works. Rather than showcasing many products or services on the homepage it is better to focus on your strong/ chief points. If you showcase a few specific topics and describe it or present it to the visitors more particularly, it strikes more audience.

From my own viewpoint, I like Brisket home page that is simple yet it catches eyes due to the presentation.

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  • Add Videos to Main Conversion Pages

As per some leading digital media company worldwide, adding videos to some of the key landing pages of your website conversions escalates up to 86% even! Human brain is 60,000 times faster responsive to visual information rather than text and this really shoot up your website conversion.

From my personal choice I can mention the landing page video of Panorama9 and again Brisket. These videos are not only striking but also informative.

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  • Create Opportunity for Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a very justifiable technique of digital marketing that is capable of producing higher ROI through all marketing approaches. But for this purpose, you need more email addresses. In case, it is mostly recommended to create your own opportunity to capture more email addresses offering something worthy to your visitor (that even won’t cost you extra). Moreover, you believe it or not with perfect email campaigns you can have an ROI of 4300% (projected by The Anatomy of a Perfect Email)!

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  • Content for Specific Market Segment

Quality content development assures increase in both the traffic and conversions to your website. And it results more accordingly the contents target several market segments. Writing targeted contents for specific market segments help your site to accumulate variant customer interests, and at the same time highlight your business’s expertise areas.

As an example, I personally like Tata Group’s landing page.

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  • Persuade Upselling

Commonly every online business convince cross-selling but one of world’s most popular ecommerce company Shopify suggests persuade up-selling as it results more efficiently than the regular one.

As an example of up-selling I can mention BMW site that allows the customers to configure their car as they want before purchasing. Every upgrading option you apply you make your buy expensive but still you invest as quality assurance.

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  • Clearly Explain Product/Service Value Proposition

Value proposition of your product or service is quite simple but it’s very resourceful to promote your business. You just need take care of a few issues to create catchy value propositional content–

  • explain how your product/service helps out a customer’s problem
  • specify the particular benefits your product/service
  • and finally, convince why your product/service is best among your competitors

Find the best example at CrazyEgg– one of the best heat-mapping tool– that very simply states their services offered and how it works for the clients’.

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  • Live Chat Support

Live chat support is not only a very popular digital marketing solution to generate higher ecommerce sales, but it also helps answer the queries you receive from your site visitors promptly. More or less, all types of business can get benefits from this. It also helps to gather new email addresses that helps in email marketing.

In case, I would like to mention SnapEngage who offer live chat support directly on the site and also send chat notification every time you get into a 404 error page.

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  • A/B testing for Website

Along with all the 7 tips A/B testing for website exceptionally essential to grow sales faster. Following A/B testing for your website you will be sure of the factors doing best for your website. There are several A/B testing methods you can apply to your website. Consult an IT strategy & Consulting company in India and run A/B testing to know your current website condition, and act accordingly.

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