Importance of Content Marketing

Importance of Content Marketing

By Admin 2 years ago

There is no denying the fact that “Content is the King”, and content marketing is one of the powerful strategies almost all the B2B and B2C marketers make use of to increase traffic and conversions. As we are dealing with content for lead generation; we cannot skip the importance of interactive contents. 88% of the digital marketers say that interactive contents differentiate them from the competitors in the market. Interactive contents are an inherent part of digital marketing and hence lead generation through this will always be a big hit.

As per the data published in “Demand Metric” reveals that content marketing costs 63% less than traditional marketing, however, it helps in generating 3 times more leads.

What Actually Interactive Content Looks Like?

Do you know what interactive content is? It is the type of content that can be personalised as per the requirement of the customers. Statistics prove that more than 80% of shoppers like to buy products and services from companies that offer personalised experiences.

These contents can be in various forms like quizzes, surveys and questions that promote the user to actively be a part and make the buying cycle works great. Using interactive contents increases customer engagement and also provides value to the brand.

How Interactive Content Helps In Generating Leads?

You might be thinking that interactive content can be appealing to readers, but how will it bring leads your business is looking for?

The main reason to use interactive contents for lead generation is that they establish brand value and satisfaction to the readers. Here are some of the ways by which interactive and useful contents can helps in generating leads for the businesses-

  • Interactive Content Is Fun And User-Friendly In Nature

The consumers and businesses are always getting in touch with several online contents. This will reduce attention span and limited time allocation for a particular content. Hence, the main criteria of your content are to retain the attention of the prospects.

This is where the interactive experience from the users like queries and quizzes come into rescue. 80% of the marketers think that interactive contents generally boost brand awareness as it is Fun to play with.

  • Increase Engagement Of The Readers

When the content is being created, the main objective is audience targeting to take an action like whether to read the contents, to share, to comment or to make engagements. The audience will only engage if the content grabs attention and adds value.

  • Add Values To The Readers

Today, the consumers look for contents that generally add value and keep them engaged while they are reading the piece. Here, interactive content plays the role. Surfing the video company’s website, that will attract the most.

Simple contract form at the end of page, newsletter subscription after reading a long blog, or an interactive calculator that provides you insights on costs of newt video campaign.

  • Educate The Audience

90% of the marketers think that the interactive content is more effective than normal static content to educate the buyers about the particular product or service.

Keep a 20-page eBook and 2-min quiz script in front of any reader, what you think which will he pick? Obviously, the quiz one, as it is the interactive content as compared to the 20-page long boring eBook. This shows while you make the right content strategy for marketing, you should focus on interactive contents rather than just focusing on long unique content. An attractive content should be a combination of both information and interaction.

Use Of Content Marketing For Brand Awareness- How?

Use of strong content will help you to show the customers what your company is doing and what your brand represents. Brand awareness is not just how much customers know about your brand, it is how well they understand the qualities that make your brand unique. For making this distinction, the content you are making should reflect the qualities that set your brand apart from the competitors.

Through the contents, you need to share the details about the company that makes it clear what actually sets you apart from the others in the business and also how the potential clients why they must choose your brand over others.

What can you do for this? You should use the page on your website for describing the company culture and how it is unique. You can also use the page for reflecting the points that make your brand different from the others falling in the same category.

How To Use Content Marketing For Increasing Brand Awareness

  • Researching the target market and audience
  • Defining your brand’s unique selling points
  • Create unique, searchable and interactive contents
  • Publishing on the 3rd party websites
  • Work on influencer marketing
  • Diversify the content strategies
  • Using the social media platforms


Most Important Content Marketing Trends In 2023 & Beyond


ChatGPT is the latest trend now and it is said to be one of the best ways to generate AI generated content. Now, anyone can generate content easily. But, the question is, whether the AI-generated content is good for search intentions? Though generating contents from AI is fast, it does not support SEO rules.

The feel and essence of AI-generated content is zero in terms of human written contents. Though there are several companies that prefer AI-generated content, it is not good practice. If you want to generate leads and attract more readers to your blog page, let the professional content writers create blogs.


Content marketing is not just about creating helpful contents or updating the existing one, it is all about using interactive elements to make contents engaging. Interactive elements like polls, quizzes and surveys are some best ways to create uniqueness and increase involvement among the readers. Adding such elements is a great way for increasing website traffic and establishing a strong online presence.


Considering the sales funnel is one of the main parts of content marketing strategy in the current year. It is important to make content for the entire sales funnel, from establishing brand awareness, nurturing the leads and then converting them to customers.

At every stage of creating content, you need to keep in mind that it should be tailored as per the audience. You should keep in mind what types of content will attract the visitors, what content will make them stay more and make the purchase.


 In the era of content marketing, helpful and useful content is the main goal. But, this year, this concept is much more prevalent. As more and more people are consuming content from online sources, they will definitely look for quality content over long formats.

To be concluded, if you are having your business and want to generate more leads this year, you should prioritise on content than anything else. Pointers to keep in mind include-

  • Producing better-than ever-contents
  • Taking audience-first approach
  • Focus on success track

Whether you are concentrating on inbound marketing or targeting an audience, giving priority on content is the main thing.

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